Monday, June 13, 2016

Ways to help your Itching Mosquito bites

The summer heat is approaching and as it gets closer and closer, Mosquitos are preparing to drink warm and hot blood. This summer lots of people will be bitten by a Mosquitos and may use some type of cream that will make that annoying itch worse. What I will use to get rid of that itch and stop the swelling is Witch Hazel. Witch Hazels helps the swelling and the itching stop. It is a plant that contains chemicals called Tannins that are antibacterial. You can also use rubbing alcohol or tea tree oil that can stop the itching also and prevent you from scratching. Tea tree may prevent mosquitos from from biting you also. Others way to avoid bites is to wear lose clothing. Not everyone knows that wearing tight and thin clothes helps Mosquitos bite you threw your shirt or pants. Wearing loose clothes can help clothes not stick to your body when its hot because Mosquitos can see your body heat.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Natural Lip Balm

Why natural lip balm and not the commercial lip balm you see on tv you say? The reason why is because like most things store brought it contains chemicals.These chemicals are not always good to put onto your lips, because it can get into your body.Using these easy steps you can make your own lip balm with natural chemicals.

Step one: Melt one tablespoon of beeswax and coconut oil.
Step two: Mix it with raw honey and stir.
Step three: Add vitamin E oils.
Step Four: If you want a nice peppermint smell I suggest you add a drop off peppermint oil.
Step Five: Pour all the ingredients in a small lip balm container and let it cool.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to clean your house without using harmful chemicals

Have you ever used Air freshener and Bleach to help clean your home and wonder if its harming your body? 

Well, it does, because if you inhale to much chlorine it can possibly make changes to your body PH balance. Not only that but it can make you have difficulty breathing. Air freshener is also toxic for humans and animals to inhale because it contains VOC. VOC's are gases or liquids that contain chemicals. VOC's are in almost every household product that we use that has a smell. If you want to use something more natural to protect your body, I suggest making something yourself.

For Example:

  • Putting natural oils in a spray bottle to fill the room up with nice fragrance/ Simmer natural oils on the stove to bring out a nice smell to. Some natural oils are also Antibacterial and Antivirus

  • House plants help remove the VOC in the air.

  • Use baking soda to clean areas of the house which can sanitize.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How to make your own bubble bath

If you want to learn how to make your own bubble bath without going out to buy chemicals to make it soapy, you are at the right spot. It doesn't matter if you want a bath that will relax your muscles, moisturize your skin, or to relieve the stress. The products at home do just as good as a job than the products you buy. Using just a tablespoon of  honey in your bath can help moisturize your skin. 1 egg white put into the bath water while the water is running, can help provide bubbles that will stay longer. Just using some type of liquid soap at home can help your bath be super foamy. For a relaxing scent you can use a tablespoon of vanilla extract, mixed with 1 and a half a cup of soap and honey to put into your bath. Now you are set to enjoy your nice and relaxing bath.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Naturally healthy feet

   Your feet is the main part of your body you will need to function. You will need your feet to walk around, run, jump etc. That is why we should treat our feet just like we do the rest of our body parts. By using these easy steps, you should not have any unusual foot problems.

1. Make sure you wash and dry your feet. Keeping your feet wet can help fungi grow on your feet because the organisms like moisture. This also goes for wearing socks that make your feet sweat. Wear something that helps your feet not create moisture.

2.Do not share foot wear. This can cause things like athletes foot and discoloration in your toes.
If you already have problems with discoloration in the toes, polish will not help make them look nicer. It will only worsen the problem.

4. Don't wear shoes that are too little or to big for you. This causes in grown toenail and calluses on your feet. Yuck!! no one wants that.

Using theses steps you should be okay. But if you have a problem that you think is getting worse, do not play doctor. Go visit a real doctor and get some help.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tips for helping Acne part 2

I know that I am still on the Acne subject but my recent research on the cause of Acne is really interesting.What I have just learned has made me realize that I need to tell the whole world about this. Many of you, I know, wears makeup. But how many of you actually knows your skin. Knowing if your skin is oily or dry is an important factor when applying makeup. People go out and buy tons and tons of makeup to pile up on their faces, but who actually knows that piling makeup on your face is bad, especially for people with oily skin. Having oily skin while having on to much make up can clog pores just as well as anything else. It creates huge pimples and breakouts on your face.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Natural Lotions

You guys might be thinking that lotion is lotion.You might say that ''it doesn't matter what lotion I use as long as it moisturizes my skin and makes me smell good". Well that is something you not should be saying. Some lotions contain harmful chemicals that are very life threatening. I suggest reading the back of store brought lotion ingredients, and looking for the words (Benzyl Alcohol), and (Parfum) because they are signs of danger. (Parfum) contain hormones that the body should not be taking in. The Benzyl Alcohol chemical contain a carcinogenic. That Carcinogenic can cause cancer formation to be started in the body. A better suggestion for trying to get a more natural lotion is to make your own. All you have to do is mix organic beeswax, natural oils,  and essentials oils in a blender melted. After you are done mixing, put the mixture into a empty jar. Enjoy! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Sore throat problem solver

I know all of you guys are asking
'Why Garlic?' Well the reason is because it instinctively eliminates the bad bacteria that is causing you to be sick. Garlic has a component called antimicrobial. This component helps fight the irritation and bacteria of the sore throat because it releases allicin. You guys might think that this will be very disgusting to drink. As a person that has tried this during my sick days, it's sad to say this is very disgusting. But I also can say that it works. After just a few days of drinking this my sore throat went away.All you have to do is squeeze some garlic cloves in a cup of hot water. The hot water will help die down strong taste. Then after that will you that feel the magic working to stop your throat pain.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tips on helping your Acne


We all know that teen and adult acne is the worst thing ever.Acne is the most embarrassing problem to have when you go out in public.Acne makes you want to barricade yourself in your home because the pimple on your face is the size of the moon.We all have those moments where we can see our pimples through our peripheral vision.The question how can we stop it?

1.Lower stress levels.Stress can definitely contribute to huge pimples because oil glands are over exerting during times of stress.

2.Stop touching your face with your dirty hands.Your pores

sucks in the bacteria from your hands which causes the area you touched to be infected.

3.Toothpaste can be used to dry out the pimple and make the pimple smaller.

4.Don't put lots of lotions on your face that contains perfumes and oily substances.Natural lotions specifically for skin care should be used on your face.

5.Eating unhealthy foods is also going to contribute to acne.Eating greasy foods that can also cause constipation can make your body flush out the bad waste through the pores of your face.No one wants that.

If this does not works and you have very bad acne I recommend you see a doctor.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Why you should we should use Apple Cider Vinegar to wash your hair

If your dealing with dry itchy scalp you should try washing it.But not all the time those store bought shampoo chemicals will work out for your hair.
The  acid in the Apple Cider Vinegar will help the dandruff buildup in your hair without getting rid of your natural oils.Apple cider vinegar comes with more benefits than you think.It makes your hair smoother and silkier when your hair is in the sun.Not only that but your hair will grow even faster using ACV. If you have very tangled hair using Apple Cider Vinegar can replace anything you  use to detangle your hair.You might hate the way it smells but mixing this with other natural oils should calm the smell.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Natural sleep

Sometimes at night not everyone can sleep. You may can not sleep due to the issue of noise, prescribed  medications, or maybe even because your not confrontable enough can make the process of sleeping  very  hard. But using medications to solve your sleeping problems is unnatural. If you want to do it the natural way here's some tips:

1.No TV and Computer in the sancturary of where you sleep. These can often distract you out of your relaxed mood.

2. Warm baths before bed can relax your body especially if you fill the warm water with essential oils.

3.Warm tea is also helpful to drink before bed.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Natural stress Tea

Have you ever stressed out over your job and school. Do you feel overwhelmed from tons of work? Do you just want it all to stop? Stress ease will help. It is a cinnamon flavored herbal tea that will help relax your body.  It is mixed with cinnamon bark , licorice root , flowers and leaves.This tea was grown by the Native americans on moist meadows. It helps calms tension and nerves. Also it improve your body system. You can buy it online for $4.00 or go to your local pharmacy.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Natural ways to cure dry elbows

We often neglect our elbows focusing on the main parts of body like the face and legs.But then we forget that we have those embarrassing elbows that are ashy and dry.Those elbows that have uneven skin tone.Those elbows that makes you have to apply lotion multiple times in one day.Those elbows that are not as soft as the other parts of your body, what do you do? Nothing is working? You can use Bio-oil Multi use  Skincare. It helps with the uneven skin tones on your elbows and the dryness.It's also used on the other parts of the body for stretch marks and sun treatments.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Protecting your nails naturally

Nails are an important part of the body to.We file them.We polish.We clean them.But the question is Do we do it naturally?We make our nails weak and stain your nails using harmful chemicals . Cleaning your nails with baking soda is a more safe way.Baking Soda can be used as an exfoliator and cleaning agent.You can use a wet brush to scrub under your nails with Baking Soda.It will give you cleaner results.

You can also use organic water based nail polish,which does not contain harmful chemicals.
This type of polish can easily come off with water or alcohol.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Honey Treatment

                                 Raw Honey

 Raw Honey is a natural type of honey taken from the nectar of plants by bees.This Honey that the  is great nutrition for the human body.It contains natural enzymes and all the vitamins that people need.Not only is honey good to eat but it is also good for the  face.It is a great moisturizer for dry skin.This Honey naturally kills germs while softening the face.This is a quick and simple way to use Raw Honey on your face.The Only thing you have to do is spread the Honey across your face for 5-10 min. Then use warm water to rinse, and pat dry.After that enjoy your glowing face.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Argan Oil

Argan oil is good for any type of hair.I would recommend this product to be of good use.The brand of Argan oil I use is Creme Of Nature.It helps detangle and moisturize dry hair.Some of these products you can also use this after and before you style you hair.This can help mainly in the winter for those brutally cold days that can strip away you hair natural oils.This product also leaves a great smell.

You can buy this local beauty supplies and stores like Walmart

Totally Twisted

Totally Twisted is a  product that is good for your hair.This This is a Herbal Essence brand.This product is yet another brand that I know that can  help curls.This product helps can also help with frizz.The product helps the curls have a nice and sleek bounce to them.It also helps your hair  have beautiful waves.Not only that but it is also mixed with Jade and French lavender extracts.This will make your hair smell berry good afterwards:)

You can buy this product at a local Walmart , Jewels ,
or any store that sells any type of hair products.