Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Natural Lip Balm

Why natural lip balm and not the commercial lip balm you see on tv you say? The reason why is because like most things store brought it contains chemicals.These chemicals are not always good to put onto your lips, because it can get into your body.Using these easy steps you can make your own lip balm with natural chemicals.

Step one: Melt one tablespoon of beeswax and coconut oil.
Step two: Mix it with raw honey and stir.
Step three: Add vitamin E oils.
Step Four: If you want a nice peppermint smell I suggest you add a drop off peppermint oil.
Step Five: Pour all the ingredients in a small lip balm container and let it cool.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to clean your house without using harmful chemicals

Have you ever used Air freshener and Bleach to help clean your home and wonder if its harming your body? 

Well, it does, because if you inhale to much chlorine it can possibly make changes to your body PH balance. Not only that but it can make you have difficulty breathing. Air freshener is also toxic for humans and animals to inhale because it contains VOC. VOC's are gases or liquids that contain chemicals. VOC's are in almost every household product that we use that has a smell. If you want to use something more natural to protect your body, I suggest making something yourself.

For Example:

  • Putting natural oils in a spray bottle to fill the room up with nice fragrance/ Simmer natural oils on the stove to bring out a nice smell to. Some natural oils are also Antibacterial and Antivirus

  • House plants help remove the VOC in the air.

  • Use baking soda to clean areas of the house which can sanitize.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How to make your own bubble bath

If you want to learn how to make your own bubble bath without going out to buy chemicals to make it soapy, you are at the right spot. It doesn't matter if you want a bath that will relax your muscles, moisturize your skin, or to relieve the stress. The products at home do just as good as a job than the products you buy. Using just a tablespoon of  honey in your bath can help moisturize your skin. 1 egg white put into the bath water while the water is running, can help provide bubbles that will stay longer. Just using some type of liquid soap at home can help your bath be super foamy. For a relaxing scent you can use a tablespoon of vanilla extract, mixed with 1 and a half a cup of soap and honey to put into your bath. Now you are set to enjoy your nice and relaxing bath.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Naturally healthy feet

   Your feet is the main part of your body you will need to function. You will need your feet to walk around, run, jump etc. That is why we should treat our feet just like we do the rest of our body parts. By using these easy steps, you should not have any unusual foot problems.

1. Make sure you wash and dry your feet. Keeping your feet wet can help fungi grow on your feet because the organisms like moisture. This also goes for wearing socks that make your feet sweat. Wear something that helps your feet not create moisture.

2.Do not share foot wear. This can cause things like athletes foot and discoloration in your toes.
If you already have problems with discoloration in the toes, polish will not help make them look nicer. It will only worsen the problem.

4. Don't wear shoes that are too little or to big for you. This causes in grown toenail and calluses on your feet. Yuck!! no one wants that.

Using theses steps you should be okay. But if you have a problem that you think is getting worse, do not play doctor. Go visit a real doctor and get some help.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tips for helping Acne part 2

I know that I am still on the Acne subject but my recent research on the cause of Acne is really interesting.What I have just learned has made me realize that I need to tell the whole world about this. Many of you, I know, wears makeup. But how many of you actually knows your skin. Knowing if your skin is oily or dry is an important factor when applying makeup. People go out and buy tons and tons of makeup to pile up on their faces, but who actually knows that piling makeup on your face is bad, especially for people with oily skin. Having oily skin while having on to much make up can clog pores just as well as anything else. It creates huge pimples and breakouts on your face.